Dignified Dialogue: The Invitation

by Jamil Popatia | November 21, 2018

Whether it be a challenging relationship with a spouse or a the monotony of a career that doesn’t bring any fulfillment, it seems that life often veers far from the direction we want it to go. And that hurts – sometimes badly. When we share these mishaps with our family and friends, the hurt is oftentimes exacerbated when we are offered less than empathic responses, usually in the form of coaching, advising, trivializing, etc. While these responses usually come from a place of care and concern, rarely is it the response we are longing for. 

I have never met anyone who did not view happiness as a positive pursuit but when I ask people what it is that they believe will make them happy, I am still quite surprised with the responses I get; more money, a better job, a bigger house, better relationships, moving to another city or country, etc., etc. Rarely, if ever does the answer focus on meaning and dignity. Is it that our sense of joy and contentment in life is solely determined by our external circumstances? I’ve asked myself this question over and over and I have looked for, even hoped for, some sort of evidence that would suggest that our sense of well-being and happiness is dependent on external circumstances. Also, I have spent a great deal of time travelling and learning in places and countries that would certainly not be characterized as affluent. Shouldn’t people in those places be unhappy, unfulfilled? Indeed, some of them were but many of them seemed to be in a state of dignified surrender and joy, despite not having much material to speak for. 

So as I sit here writing what will be the first of many scribblings, I am honored and privileged to have you join me along this journey – a journey that seeks connection, compassion and community in its wayfaring. I want to approach how I communicate with others and myself such that it continues to bring me joy, meaning and purpose. My invitation to you is that you join me…

Welcome to Dignified Dialogue!

With dignity,

Jamil Popatia

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